Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sublimation Enthalpy Calcium

Coffee muffins with chocolate cheesecake without cheese

White tulips in a vase, hovering in the air, even the smell of baked dough .. Outside the window the night. I lift my head. I look at the starry sky. I smile to reminiscences of the past ..
ahead of me on a plate last muffinka .. I managed to avoid it before łasuchami. How good it tasted ..
Yes ... is indeed a wonderful, delicate, z lekkim posmakiem kawy not sat słodka a jednocześnie to wyczuwalne kawałki czekolady ..

1 ½ szklanki lemur pszennej,
½ łyżeczki sody
2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
2 łyżeczki kawy rozpuszczalnej
¾ szklanki cukru pudru
50 day drobinek czekoladowych lub drobno połamanej czekolady
a szklanka mleka
2 jajka
90 ml. oleju
1 teaspoon vanilla smell

In a bowl mix all dry ingredients, and the second all the liquid.
Then pour the wet into dry and stir quickly to combine.
Bake at 200 degrees F. about 20 minutes.
I am all for this rule 14 muffins.

Enjoy :-).


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