Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Biggestgang Bang Of 2010

Leeks braised with carrots

Inspired provision here, I decided to try the much-loved by us compared to an unknown issue. Slightly altered the original-I missed something in it. Taste have intriguing, delicate, perfectly composing up. You can give them out for heat and cold, I do not know which version appeals to me more. We will definitely return to them!
2 seasons medium size
2 carrots, medium size
6 tablespoons olive oil or rapeseed oil
2 tablespoons rice
1.5 teaspoons of sugar
teaspoon salt pinch of pepper
pinch of nutmeg
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
juice of half a small lemon
a glass of water
first Seasons of the rinse, the highest cut off the green parts, cut into very thin bars.
second Peeled carrots cut into bars.
third In hot oil add the vegetables.
4th Simmer until tender, stirring occasionally (about 7 minutes).
5. Add the rinsed rice and stew together for 2 minutes.
6th Add remaining ingredients and cook until soft rice.
7th Leave on for about 10 minutes to the przegryzły components.


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