I love chocolate, anything chocolate .. Often I catch that many pastries and desserts is the chocolate flavor.
So once n - once you've done something that reminds me of childhood, where the sweets were rationed chocolate ao only as one could dream of - a block of chocolate. I guess I never get tired. Sometimes I can do it twice a week. And because I am willing for this tidbit, it disappears quickly.
250 g margarine
blue packaging of milk powder (700 g)
½ cup water or milk
a 1 1 / 5
cup sugar 4 tablespoons cocoa 4 packs of biscuits petit,
10 dag
nuts can be added: chips coconut and finely chopped nuts and raisins)
dissolve the margarine, add sugar, cocoa and half a glass of water or milk.
Stir, add milk powder.
When all the components will be with you well connected to the end to throw the weight of broken biscuits and nuts. Mix everything together
Allow to cool. Enjoy :-)
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