Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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Eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables, it tastes in any form, into which I had to eat it. It impresses me with his meaty flavor, gąbkowatochłonna structure, color ... And a wide range of ingredients, which should be combined. An extremely drunk fat, burns too quickly, so it is worth it to cook over low heat. is quite sensitive to low temperatures, because despite the great desire I could not even grow it. in stores again began the season on the beautiful art, so often we eat it up. This version tastes great with the slice of bread with butter, thicker noodles and loved ones of our mashed potatoes.
medium-sized eggplant
medium-sized carrot
more onion
white part of the leek
2 small tomatoes or tomato paste 4 teaspoons
4 tablespoons of cooked red beans
3 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons Oil
4 tablespoons of water
tablespoon lemon juice
tablespoon chopped parsley
half teaspoon salt
pinch of pepper
4 needles
rosemary ½ teaspoon thyme
half a teaspoon of basil
4 tablespoons grated cheese
first Fry in hot oil finely tailored: the onion and garlic.
second Stir in water and vegetable trimmings in a medium-sized cubes.
third Simmer on low heat (!), About 5 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes.
4th Add remaining (Except cheese!) Ingredients, simmer another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5th Danie serve warm topped with cheese.


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