Wednesday, April 13, 2011

France Driving Requirements Indian License

As a beatmaker - amateur I have a habit that is the norm for people playing in production. Whenever I hear some good hip-hop (though not exclusively, but mostly) the number immediately comes to mind the question, "Damn! How does he shook the sampel? Where it up?". The worst part is that these questions and then sits in the head until finding the desired source. Often googlowania hours do not work, but when I do succeed, then comes my favorite moment - it's time for a second before the listening session. "What is it?" - This question comes after the head and stomping so strongly that you have to press play . And what is it? One way of cutting blows me a number, another time that, with the hopeless track of anyone doing a masterpiece, sometimes słuchalne is only 5 seconds the number that was used by the manufacturer, and another time, that fall in love with the original and tortures him for a certain period even more than than the number after zsamplowaniu. And this is the third case I want to focus. Introduce a few of my sampel - favorites.

Al Green - I Wish You Were Here

even sampled Song Nasa to numbers, Lootpack, or Cosequence'a. For me think Kanye won the Consequence'owy "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly." :)

Cortex - Huit Octobre

great, french, jazz funk number which drove me dial MF Doom One Beer. "

The Moments - To You With Love

When I heard "Last Donut Of The Night" by J Dilla with the iconic 'Donuts, "I had to find sampel, and found that comes from Momentsów - as the cult '70s soul group

Alain Goraguer - Fantastic Planet Soundtrack

something brilliant, it shows how great Digger is Madlib, besides cuts on samples from this movie can be heard at the Big Puna and Dilli.

The Moments - When The Morning Comes

number, which led me to the DJ Pitch Black, Premier of the song "It's All Real".

Carla Bley - Dining Alone

something from the Polish yard, Grammatik - No Roads is shortened. This beautifully invented Noon. :)

Billy Cobham - Heather

lazy I just love this piece. Amazing atmosphere. Used in the classic from the Souls of Mischief "93 Till Infinity", but also in many other productions, such as DJ Vinroca whether the drum and the song bassowym Alix Perez and Sabre'a "Solitary Native".

For the time being so on I will definitely continue, because such "my" sample is duuuużo more. :)


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